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Redball Mission

By November 13, 2015No Comments


Book Information:

Author: T. Patrick Devlin

Publisher: T. Patrick Devlin

ISBN: 978-0-692-44625-6

No. of Pages: 361

Index: No

Binding: Perfect Bound

Last Update: 2015

Volume Discounts: Yes, call to inquire

Shipping Time: 2-5 Days


Price: $19.95

About the Book

Tinker Fallon is a Vietnam veteran who is struggling alone as he is attempting to cope with the demons, from the war, that haunt his dreams. Being left alone to readapt to the life that he once knew, however, is just not going to be possible. His readjustment to the order of civilian life takes a setback when his own survival is jeopardized after he impulsively interrupts a brazen daylight kidnapping.

For anyone who truly wants to understand and enter the mind of a soldier living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, this is the book to read. It does not matter the war, past or present.

The author skillfully weaves this tale of a veteran surviving on that line between what he perceives and what is actually occurring, which at times becomes very thin. The reader will experience the overt and the subtle effects of PTSD that are very real for many veterans. Furthermore, the reader will see the images and experience the feelings that veterans so seldom share with anyone who has not really lived the events that have caused their nightmare dreams. This is a must read!


About the Author

This is Devlin’s first novel. One may call him the 21st century Stephen Crane, who wrote The Red Badge of Courage, a novel from the American Civil War. Like Crane, Devin has not personally seen wartime service. Yet, also, like Crane, Devlin is “right on target” with every description of those who served and returned to the civilian world trying to adjust. To make certain his reenactments are real, Devlin had several veterans critique his manuscript before having it published. At times, they admitted that some of the chapters were disturbing because of the realism.

For families and friends of veterans who have returned from the ravages of war, many have wondered: “What happened?” and “Why is my soldier loved one different?” T. Patrick Devlin is an author who answers these questions—and more.