Author: Chelsey Cofield
ISBN: 978-1-732738-43-0
No. of Pages: 63
Index: No
Table of Contents: Yes
Binding: Soft Cover, Perfect Bound
Last Update: 2019
Volume Discounts: Yes, call to inquire
Shipping Time: 2-5 Days
Price: $7.95
About the Book
This work contains essays, short stories, a play, and a poem. This work is a compilation by an eleven year-old writer. It is a sharing. The above excerpt that is contained in this publication illustrates the talent of a budding author. This publication is a preview of what is yet to come.
About The Author
Chelsey Cofield is an eleven year-old who loves to write. Her perspective and writing skills are a sophistication that is beyond her years. Her love of her faith, Jehovah’s Witness, comes through in some of her essays and in her play. She is motivated by her faith and sees the wonderment of life as a young girl.
A grandmother surprised her granddaughter by publishing a book other granddaughter’s writings. The granddaughter was so overwhelmed; she called MANA to share her gratitude: Hear the Author’s Voice. Just think: This could be your loved one’s reaction!
— Loving Grandmother