AGE: 65 Years +
MANA has a call for writers who are seniors in age. Poetry, short stories, or mem- oirs will be welcomed. The genre is open. The theme can be of the writer’s choice. However, erotica will not be accepted.
MANA wants to give writers who are seniors the opportunity to have their writings viewed by many. Once their work is read, refereed, and recommended by the members of the MANA Review Board for publication on the MANA website and newsletter, THE MANA HARVESTER, each submitter will be noified by the editor of the blog, which is on the website, or the owner, Dr. Fairy Hayes-Scott.
1) No more than 500 words per submission
2) No more than five (5) submissions per writer 3) Submit as a Word file
4) Send all submitted files to:
BONUS: By October 25, 2024, MANA will determine the three (3) best submissions for the year 2024.
MANA will award a $100, $50, and $25 to the best works submitted.There is no cost to submit.