Let’s Fix It




Author: Martha Freudigman
Publisher: MarketingNewAuthors.com
ISBN: 978-0-999584-28-6
No. of Pages: 85
Index: Yes
Table of Contents: Yes
Binding: Soft Cover, Perfect Bound
Last Update: 2018
Volume Discounts: Yes, call to inquire
Shipping Time: 2-5 Days
Price: $12.95

About The Book

This is a no-nonsense book that gives suggestions addressing the major and minor irritants of American society. While dining in a restaurant, are you tired of unruly children, old enough to know better, disturb your meal? Are you even more impatient with the parents who seem to be totally clueless about what to do? Are you appalled at the vast amount of money spent during political races? Are you disgusted by the executives that commit white collar crimes and receive golden parachute payments? You may not agree with all of her suggestions for remedying these issues. Still, you will have to respect this octogenarian’s suggested remedies. And most definitely this author is quite serious and ways that people can “Let’s Fix It” now!