Superstorm Sandy: In the Eyes of the Children




Superstorm Sandy: In the Eyes of The Children

Edited by Kathleen M. Woods Ignatoski, Ph.D.


Book Information:

Author: Kathleen M Woods Ignatoski, Ph.D.
ISBN: 1-889743-98-4
No. of Pages: 80pp.
Index: Yes
Table of Contents: Yes
Binding: Perfect Bound
Last Update: 2013
Volume Discounts: Yes, call to inquire
Shipping Time: 2-5 days


About The Book

Superstorm Sandy affected so many people. The media have reported the reactions by politically powerful individuals as well as those by men and women who have lost their homes. However, there has been a major segment of the population who has not had an opportunity to share how this powerful storm has affected the children. This work is a collection of essays written by youngsters affected by Superstorm Sandy. Thus, there is the title; they will tell us about this storm and its effects on their lives through their eyes.

Still, this book has another purpose. It serves as a fundraiser. People are still in need of basic items, towels, sheets, toiletries, clothes, kids’ toys, and small appliances. Profit from the sales of this book will go to St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Tuckerton, NJ. Yes, the media may have left. However, the need is still severe. And this publication is an effort to fulfill that need.